Week 12

 Monday: Today I did a few things I wanted to try before my last day. In the morning I tried getting into GIS to fix some things in the tutorial I made, but it turns out that I lost my access to it, so I had to add things by memory, and without pictures. When Molly and Steve got in we went to both of the Longhorn sites one last time before my last day tomorrow, and collected a decent number. When we got back I ate lunch than began working on sorting the ticks from said sites until Mike called me over and I got to test a dead crow for West Nile Virus, which is done by swabbing mucus from the throat of the bird and putting it in a machine. I then returned to sorting ticks until I again stopped to go out and I learned how to set up the mosquito traps. When I got back I continued to work on the ticks until it was time to leave.

Tuesday: Today is my last day at the lab! I started in the morning by sorting the ticks from yesterday into petri dishes and counting them. In the middle of this I was interrupted by Jules and Molly and we went back to the Mosquito trap to bring it back in. When Steve got in we decided to go to one of the Mosquito sites in hopes to find a Gulf Coast tick, but unfortunately the whole area got sprayed recently before, so we came up literally empty handed. We then tried a second spot but all we got was hundreds of thousands of Lonestar larvae. When we got back I sorted the few ticks we collected today and put them in tubes. I then went back into ARCGIS on Chris's computer and I made some final touches to the tutorial I had made. 

Thank you so much to Suffolk ABDL and NEVBD for accepting me for this internship, I gained a ton of experience and knowledge, and I had fun doing it!


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